
Michelin in Spain, 2022.

Michelin Star
Data scrapping

Which Spanish Autonomous Region is the best for fine eating? Or rather, where will you find the largest number of Michelin Star Restaurants? Armed with `rvest` and SelectorGadget, I built a crawler to find out.

How much is Putin costing to Russia and the Russians?

Partial identification
Soviet Union

With the crisis in Ukraine fully underway, we wonder what is the actual economic cost of having Putin in power to both, the Russian economy and the average Russian. Under the assumption that the intriguing and unusual Russian economic stagnation since 2012 is due to the poor domestic and foreign policy, and given that in an autocratic system the President is responsible for all policy, historical data suggests that Putin is costing Russia between 18% and 46% of its GDP per capita. For comparison, Brexit has been expected to contract the British economy by 0.2% and 1.6% points. Extrapolating these figures to wages, we find that Putin might be costing the average Russian no less than USD 124 and probably as much as USD672 dollars per month. We do not take into these calculations the costs in terms of lost human capital.

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